
Below is a list with links to funding opportunities for historic sites in Alabama. Check to see if your site or organization qualifies and apply. 


The Alabama Historical Commission offers grants to public or non-profit entities who own or operate historic sites in Alabama, reflect an education-based mission, and reflect the geographic diversity of the state. Grants are awarded for site improvements and educational programming.

Alabama Historical Commission

The Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area offers community grant awards to partners in the six county region of Colbert, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, and Morgan counties. Matching grants are awarded to public and non-profit entities within the region for projects related to the Heritage Area's mission and core themes: river heritage, Native heritage, and music heritage.

Muscle Shoals National Heritage Area

The Alabama Humanities Foundation awards grants solely to support public humanities projects. Active public participation, involvement of humanities scholars, and strong humanities content are the three essential components of AHF-funded projects.

Alabama Humanitites Foundation

The Alabama Power Foundation allocates funding in four categories: improving education, strengthening communities, promoting arts and culture, and restoring and enhancing the environment.

The Alabama Power Foundation

The Daniel Foundation offers grants in four program areas: civic and community improvement, education, health, and arts and culture. Applicants are limited to 501 (c)(3) organization in Alabama.

The Daniel Foundation

The Alabama State Council on the Arts awards grants to nonprofits and local governments in the areas of presenting grants, project assistance, operating support, technical assistance, collaborative ventures, and program development.

Alabama State Council on the Arts

Click below for a list of corporate foundations, nonprofit organizations, and federal agencies that support preservation projects.

National Funding Sources
As a grassroots citizens’ group, the Alabama Trust provides a statewide voice for preservation efforts. The organization assists local groups around the state in seeking viable alternatives to demolition and making presentations to public officials concerning the value of preservation.
As a grassroots citizens’ group, the Alabama Trust provides a statewide voice for preservation efforts. The organization assists local groups around the state in seeking viable alternatives to demolition and making presentations to public officials concerning the value of preservation.